
NautilusTrader is tested and supported for Python 3.10-3.12 on the following 64-bit platforms:

Operating System

Supported Versions

CPU Architecture

Linux (Ubuntu)

20.04 or later



12 or later

x86_64, ARM64

Windows Server

2022 or later



We recommend running the platform with the latest supported stable version of Python, and in a virtual environment to isolate the dependencies.

From PyPI

To install the latest binary wheel (or sdist package) from PyPI using Pythons pip package manager:

pip install -U nautilus_trader


Install optional dependencies as ‘extras’ for specific integrations:

  • betfair : Betfair adapter (integration)

  • docker : Needed for Docker when using the IB gateway (with the Interactive Brokers adapter)

  • ib : Interactive Brokers adapter

To install with specific extras using pip :

pip install -U "nautilus_trader[docker,ib]"

From Source

Installation from source requires the Python.h header file, which is included in development releases such as python-dev . You’ll also need the latest stable rustc and cargo to compile the Rust libraries.

For MacBook Pro M1/M2, make sure your Python installed using pyenv is configured with –enable-shared:

PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install <python_version>

See .

It’s possible to install from source using pip if you first install the build dependencies as specified in the pyproject.toml . However, we highly recommend installing using poetry as below.

  1. Install rustup (the Rust toolchain installer):

  2. Enable cargo in the current shell:

    • Linux and macOS:

      source $HOME/.cargo/env
    • Windows:

      • Start a new PowerShell

  3. Install poetry (or follow the installation guide on their site):

    curl -sSL | python3 -
  4. Clone the source with git , and install from the projects root directory:

    git clone
    cd nautilus_trader
    poetry install --only main --all-extras

From GitHub Release

To install a binary wheel from GitHub, first navigate to the latest release . Download the appropriate .whl for your operating system and Python version, then run:

pip install <file-name>.whl